Website Design Ideas: The All-in-one Approach Smooth System Secrets

Website Design Ideas-The All-in-one Approach Ties All Tools Into a Smooth System 

Website Design Ideas

I use a system, or Web Host called Solo Build It. I save time and money due to the all-in-one approach - no need to evaluate and assemble an intricate, expensive package of software tools.

SBI writes its own software (keeping cost of product low) and ties ALL the tools and website design ideas into one smooth system, a step-by-step process that results in success.

It takes you by the hand and teach you step by step how to use everything. The System helped me to start up my web site and turned it into a viable online business.

Solo Build It is applicable to anyone- help you with website design ideas and caters to beginners.

I heard about it on the Net and decided to give it a try because the risk free money back guarantee.

SBI has all the tools I need to run my online business. I get help to find the best topic for my site, how to build it, to get traffic to the site and how to make money with it.

There is an action guide, design templates, (no web experience necessary) search engine ranking help and much more. It helps me getting as much free traffic as possible and the pages rank high in the major search engines.

I even get help to make money with my web site, so instead of costing me money, it actually returns a profit.
Google Adsense allows you to help them advertise by placing text ads on your pages.
Every time someone is interested and clicks on a link I make money.

There is also many good affiliate programs to join. (you work as agent for online companies) SBI will show you a number of ways to make money from the traffic to your site.

I can show you many other sites built by normal people like you and me, that are doing exceptionally well.

How to Get Website Design Ideas? Work With Your Passion

The best thing to do is to work with your passion. All the successful people are working with topics they have a passion for, and some of them were able to quit their jobs because of the success of their sites.

To get the idea of how it works, have a look at:
The very instructive Video Tour.

The site is on its way to replace a normal income and I will be persistent until, and after that day. There is a lot of work with a web site, but doing something you love never feels like work.

Do you have the solution to a problem that can help other people?
The topic can be anything, but make sure you are interested enough in how to get website design ideas to build a useful, informative site so you don’t get bored and abandon it.

How to get Website Design Ideas? Give It a Go To Make the Most of It

My advice to you:
Why wait any longer?
Do what you have been dreaming of and take back control of your life...

Good wind on your how to become a webmaster journey...

The Following Shows One of The Help And Strategies Sections In Solo Build It, How to get website design ideas and The Good Help You Get

There is also a Block-By-Block SiteBuilder Video illustrating how easy it is to build/edit a page!
- - - - - Contents - - - - -

Add a TIER 2 or 3 Page

The home page builder, which you used to build your TIER 1, is a simple, inflexible tool. Building TIER 2 and 3 Keyword-Focused Content Pages is slightly different.

SiteBuilder uses a block-by-block tool which is far more flexible, but still easy to use. You are basically stacking one block on top of the next one as you create your page.

Other features, such as Page Information, Preview It!, Analyze It! and Build It!, are the same as what the home page builder uses.

How to get Website Design Ideas? When Do You Add A Page?

The simple answer is when your brainstorming work is done, and you are ready to start creating Content.

Your Master Keyword List presents several potentially profitable keywords. Before you begin building, decide which Specific Keywords will be used for your site's TIER 2 pages and their related TIER 3 pages.

These two TNT HQ articles, one about visualizing site structure and the other about using index cards to sort your TIERS, will help you finalize your site's pyramid.

How to get Website Design Ideas? Goals Of A TIER 2 Or 3 Page

Always remember that every page on your site has two audiences... humans and Search Engine spiders.

For humans, your TIER 2 or 3 page should accomplish the following...

Provide the high-value content that the person was searching for. It must also deliver on the promise stated in the Valuable PREselling Proposition of the home page.

So PREsell like crazy. And get the click!...

1) Your #1 goal for a TIER 2 page is to get the click directly to one of your income sources. Second choice is to get the click to one of your TIER 3 pages for additional details about the topic.

2) TIER 3 pages are really the "end of the road." So the goal on a TIER 3 page is to either get the click through to an income source (first choice) or to another related TIER 2 page. Do not dead-end your visitors.

For Search Engines, a TIER 2 or 3 page must deliver your site's content to their spiders cleanly and efficiently.

Focus on one "Specific Keyword" per page. Use it slightly more than your high school English teacher taught was "good English." Blend in General Keywords from your Master Keyword List, word combos (Specific Keyword + General Keyword), and also use synonyms and variations, where applicable. This approach will help you achieve the correct "keyword density."

Make it a point to use your Specific Keyword more heavily in the opening paragraph or two (it must be in your opening sentence), and also in the closing paragraph. And then, like a good chef, sprinkle throughout! Your "scatter pattern" should look like an hourglass... bigger (i.e., more frequent) on the top and bottom, and less (but still present) in the middle of the page. This sets up the correct "keyword prominence" for your page.

Keyword prominence and keyword density are part of the on-page criteria that Search Engines use to rank pages. Analyze It! helps you meet that set of criteria!

So... what are the bottom line goals of your TIER 2 or 3 page?

1) For your human readers, make your copy sufficiently compelling to get the click directly to your income source, or as a second choice to a related TIER 2 page.

2) For your spider readers, work your Specific Keyword (and General Keywords and common synonyms) throughout your page so that the Search Engines rank it highly in their search results. And where applicable, provide clean, visible links to your TIER 3 pages for the spiders to "click through," scan and then bring back to their Search Engines' databases.

How to get website design ideas Video

The Block-By-Block SiteBuilder Video illustrates how to become a webmaster is easy and how to build/edit a page, even add some basic HTML tags. Don't miss this 30 minute, hands-on tutorial. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million!

Do you prefer to download the video? Go to the DAY 6 section of the Video Action Guide for downloading instructions.

How to get website design ideas tips

  • It's best to draft your page first in a plain text editor before you start the block-stacking process, as outlined in the "how-to" TNT article.

  • Familiarize yourself with the how to become a webmaster SiteBuilder tool. Review the help for each part of the tool and then watch the block-by-block building video to see a page being created.

  • For your first page, don't worry about creating great content. Experiment. Try the Link Block. Then the Graphic Block. Try them all, using the Preview It! to see the changes. When you're done, delete the page (you do this in Site Central) and start for real.

  • Add blocks in the order that you need them. But always start each page with a Headline.

  • You can edit or delete a block at any time.

  • You can also insert blocks between two others. As you build your page by adding blocks, the block-stacking page automatically loads to the bottom, showing you the last block, since that is usually where a new block would go. So if you insert a block higher up on the page, scroll up to find it.

  • Move a block by deleting it first (copy any text onto your clipboard first) and then insert a new block where you want it.

  • Use as few blocks as possible (10 is best, 20 maximum), especially if your bandwidth is slow or computer RAM or CPU is a bit low. SBI! has a limit of 50 blocks, so you will not be able to use more than that. (Any page built before the 50 block limit was set is not affected by the limit.)

  • For additional help from other SBIers, see the SBI! SiteBuilder Techniques Forum.

Once you click "Build It!," the how to become a webmaster system submits that page to the Search Engines (according to each major engine's protocols for submission). And it publishes the page to the Net.

That's it! You're ready to start your next page.

Content, content, content... the more quality content that you create, the better your site will please your human and spider visitors!
Keep in mind that "human delight" is the long-term key to your future.

By the way, if you have specific questions about how the how to become a webmaster system can work for you, a live representative will be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.

How to Get RAVE of Mouth

By Ken Evoy

C T P M has long been an abbreviation for the core SBI! process. In fact, there's a big "letter" that comes before it all...

B C T P M.

"Brainstorming" includes the whole process of developing and refining your niche, positioning and voice to the point where you have nailed down a sharp, short, brandable domain name. It is, of course, a critical part of the process, perhaps even the critical part.

But there's another concept that is growing increasingly important, one that we haven't directly touched upon. If it's going to change the abbreviation (which it isn't; we prefer to keep it short and simple), the abbreviation would become...

C T P M + E.

So what's the "E?"

E for "Evangelize."

Now, I don't want to take your eye off the "M" prize. After all, if you don't monetize well, you really don't have to worry about what happens after, right? But what about when you do?...

Plan ahead. Grow evangelists now.

We've always talked about the importance of delivering a great product, support, etc. If you basically "just" do that, customers stick with you and some will buy your next product.

Nail the basics down: great product, even better customer care service. Handle problems with class and go overboard on fairness (a great way to convert possible detractors into huge fans).

Small mistakes or oversights, or even just an off day, can hit the wrong person in the wrong way, who then complains in all the wrong places. Apologize fast and fix the problem...

You do not need "anti-evangelists!"


From here on, I'll assume that you've got the basics down.

Moving From Passive to Active Monetization

Word of mouth is nothing new. It has always been important, even if you depend 100% on passive monetization models (which you shouldn't).

It generates some quality links and mentions, which brings some traffic and, ultimately, better search rankings. So it's always been "baseline important."

Now, though, as more SBIers move from passive forms of monetization to active, it's that much more important. What happens if you go above and beyond and keep on doing it?

The megaphone!

"Word of mouth" has become louder.

And it's not just "word" of mouth that you want...

It's rave of mouth. People have the vehicles to write paragraphs about you, personally, without being a "pro" in your niche.

Aside from those pros in your field (whom you cultivate through personal social), many more people have personal blogs, Facebook profiles, Yola sites, and often several other social presences. They participate in major sites related to your niche.

Now that social is everywhere, word of mouth is not just "nice." If folks really, really love and respect your work, and if the product exceeds expectations (or at least meets them), they go beyond "word" to "many words," raving about how great you are.

The Edge of the "Little Guy"

One of the advantages of the little guys is that they're underdogs. And folks cheer for underdogs, especially the ones that make them love a little guy. They want to both share a great-but-little-known thing with friends and followers and do the underdog a good turn at the same time.

When the occasional "word of mouth" turns into regular raving, you have an evangelist.

Nothing is better than the ongoing, free viral spread that evangelists deliver. If they have a highly followed Facebook personal profile, or an authoritative reputation in a related forum, that's all the better.

But really, any customer now has a "megaphone" online. The whole world now communicates socially. In your little corner of that world, you want them to either be...

  1. talking about you and your product, or
  2. reading about you and your product.

Evangelists help with that, deepening the PREselling and facilitating more sales. Nothing is more credible than the voice of a neutral third party.

The CTPM-E Funnel

I wrote a while back about how the C T P M process is more like a "leaky funnel" rather than a linear progression.

Folks bounce around in that so-called "funnel," leak out, come back. Over time, some of them steadily move down towards the exit of that funnel... the M.

The Content builds Traffic, reaching a small number of people (relative to the total online) who become highly targeted Traffic. Of that total, a sub-set becomes PREsold. Finally, a fraction of that group Monetize and become customers.

Word of mouth helps seal the holes in the funnel, helps redirect folks back into it. Together with you reaching out on a regular basis (newsletter, RSS, social, etc.), you and your evangelists keep serious prospects moving toward that M, boosting your conversion rate.

How Do You Create and Encourage Evangelists?

It starts at the beginning, with your body of content. A certain number are going to love your material, your voice... you!

It builds with repeated contact (newsletters, social, etc.). After a while, they're pre-disposed to supporting your product and don't even know it yet.

Some will promote it even if they haven't used it! That's "PREsold Plus."

But the ones you really want are raving users. Why are they so important?

It's real. It's emotional. And...

It's not you saying that it's the greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread.

They'll be the first to call it out on one of the mega-sites in your niche. They'll post how much they love your product in your Facebook comments, knowing that they're supporting you.

So they help sell directly. And indirectly, too, by helping you build your business vibe online...

Evangelists add so much energy to everything you do. They'll enter your contests and share special new content. When you find yourself thinking, "I should pay that person," you know you have an evangelist.

Do not offer to pay them. You could destroy a beautiful friendship, changing the dynamic forever, no matter how well-intentioned your offer may be.

How do you encourage them?

"Pay them" with what matters to them. Here's what I mean...

You need to understand (without it going to your head) that you have become special, a sort-of celebrity in your field.

You know that you can't leap buildings, but they don't feel that way about you. Recognizing them is worth more than any dollars you could offer. So...

Encourage folks by recognizing their comments, and not just with a "thank you for your kind words."

Next, create tools, such as contests and hashtags, for them to use. Or schedule a live streaming session and ask folks to spread the word.

What else?

Could you start a public group about your product? Keep it open to all. Let potential customers ask questions, while existing ones leave terrific compliments.

"But what if a problem comes up," you ask? People know that problems always come up. They won't judge you on that, but rather on how you handle it! It's another selling opportunity.

All of these are things that you should do naturally. If not, work on it until it's a habit.

Wrapping Up

Growing an evangelist base is so important that I'm tempted to "add a letter"... C T P M + E.

With an increasing emphasis on higher margin products (ex, your own services and goods), and given the social megaphone in each of your customer's hands, we all need to be spending more time on growing and encouraging our evangelists.

Remember, everyone has a megaphone. Delighted fans use it; some use it a lot.

Those are your evangelists. You want a lot more of them!

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