Best Headlines: Constantly 9 Out of 10 Readers Will Scan Your Headlines 

Your Small Business Selling Best Headlines Can Turn *Scanners* Into Prospects.
Why Not Spend Effort Writing It?

Pull your visitor from one section to the next – motivate to continue reading.

Build logically from your opening paragraph. Use small joints to pull your visitor from one section of text to the next.

Finish the page with an irresistible click to the next page, which leads into the next page, until your visitor gives you that most wanted response that you want so badly.

Finish a page with a teaser lead into the next one - and don’t leave his progress to a chance.
Remember to get each paragraph to deliver the reader to the next one.

Write 10 Best Headlines Before Choosing The Perfect One

Each block of paragraphs with a headline must deliver the $visitor to the next block.
Each page of copy must deliver your customer to the next page.
Clicking to the next page is your most wanted response for that page.
It is the joints that pull your reader through all the “click-somewhere-else” danger.

For best headline, write 10 before choosing the perfect one – never accept your first stab at it.
Make each page sell!

Each And Every Page Must Sell...

Start each page with a grabber …

What’s in it for me?
The Best Headline
The Joint

Each page must pull the reader into the contents
Deliver the desired info, short and crisp
Make him want to click to the next page

Focus on your target with tried and true suggestions like …
"Now" – "At last" – "Announcing" – "Finally" – "How to" – "Why" – "Free"
Ask a question that begs to be answered – but make only believable promises – don’t use hype.
Use upper and lower case letters – NOT ALL CAPS (it screams)

Do Not Vary Appearance – Maintain A Consistent Colour And Size Across Best Headlines And Sub-headlines

Sometimes – for extra credibility – put a headline inside quotation marks ("...")
Hit benefits – hot buttons!

Joints must keep your visitor on site – and they must pull him through as irresistibly as a giant magnet.
Here are some tried and true joint-building suggestions:
End paragraphs with ellipses ("...") – which leads the eye into the next paragraph.
Start the other end of the joint by finishing these thoughts, with impact.

Ask a question that begs to be answered – especially one that implies big benefits.
For small joints, start paragraphs with: "And" – "But" – "So you see" – "However"
Use connectors like: "What’s more" – "And that’s not all" – "Better yet" – "So that’s why" – "And not only that, but"

The End Of A Page Is A Danger Spot Where People May Decide To Leave

A good joint keeps your visitor in the site. It keeps her moving towards the most wanted response closer page – your order page if it is a direct sale.
The joint is a "call to action" that pulls your visitor to the next page – and basically your most wanted response is to make your visitor click to the next page.

Best headlines account for as much as 90 % of the effectiveness of your site. Ten times as many people read the headlines as read your body copy.
If you don’t use best headlines, or if you have poor ones, you lose 90 % of your site’s sales potential.

Headlines break up an endless string of paragraphs into readable sections – this makes it easy to continue.
You must craft lots of them. Best headlines make the reader’s job easy. Hitting your customers “hot buttons” motivates him to read more.

Write Down All The Benefits Of Your Product – Select The Most Meaningful Ones

Use strong active verbs to create best headlines with emotional impact – headlines that push your customer..
Tie it to your product or to the benefits derived – or the reader will feel deceived.
Stir an emotion – get the reader excited, or fearful, or protective. Motivate to continue reading. Use the present tense, or the imperative, which is far more emphatic.

Use "you." Use verbs, which are vital and strong. Use short words that create images or pictures. Eliminate most adverbs and adjectives.
The best headline must stand on its own – your visitor must understand it, and foresee where the following text is likely heading.

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---------- "Copywriting Tips The Pro's Use"

By Joe Robson

--- For Best Headlines ........

Never start writing until you determine your USP.

Spend 60-80% of your initial effort on the best headline.

Include the 'greatest benefit to your prospect' in the headline.

Target the headline towards your best prospects e.g. mention accountants, or mothers, or gardeners.

Use the powerful 'trigger words' that are successfully used by the best copywriters.

Longer Headlines Pull Better Than Short Ones

Don't be clever by using 'blind' headlines that require your prospect to read the Body Copy for a translation. They won't.

Don't use negative language e.g. "Our software needs no special training" may be read by a 'scanner' as "Our software needs special training".

NEVER USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR BEST HEADLINE. They are more difficult to read and even worse to 'scan'.

Begin Each Word With A Capital Letter.

Use "Quotation Marks" in best headlines.

Don't use full stops (periods) in headlines

------ For Sales Copy ......

Serif font like Times Roman with curly bits, is easier to read in print media. Sans Serif like Verdana font without the curly bits, is better for the web.

Use a subhead of two or three lines between the Headline and the first paragraph to raise the curiosity of the reader.

Write as if you were describing your product to a friend, in language he or she would understand. (But restrict any four-letter words to 'Free' and 'Save'.)

Remember A.I.D.A.

Attention – Interest – Desire – Action.
Get straight to the point!

Your copy should be as long as it needs to be to complete your full sales pitch. "The more you tell, the more you sell".
Your reader needs information before she can make a buying decision. But make sure it remains enthusiastic and exciting.

Use a Drop Cap or large capital letter at the start of your first paragraph to catch your reader's eye and draw him into your copy.

Always put a caption under an illustration or photo. People read them, so use the caption to reinforce your sales message.

Mail Order people know the potency of testimonials, yet media ads rarely contain them. Use them and your response will rocket. And try to present them with some originality. (If you haven't already done so you can see how I have presented mine at http// )

If you haven't the time or the inclination to become a good copywriter do this one thing to improve your advertising response. Hire a good professional to write your copy.

Use Lots Of White Space

Use bold to emphasize important points, but be careful not to overdo it. Too much emphasis results in none at all. And underlines on a web page will be confused with links.

Keep sentences short.

And paragraphs.

NEVER SET COPY IN REVERSE i.e. white text on black background.

Even though many advertisers still use this technique don't you be tempted. It slows the reader down and does not work!

Sometimes it can be used effectively on a web page, to highlight a particular section and draw attention. BUT USE IT SPARINGLY!

Use double spacing (leading) between paragraphs to avoid that 'cluttered' look.

Use subheads (crossheaders) every few paragraphs to break up the text and catch the attention of 'scanners'.

Check your copy and take out the word 'that' as much as you can. It's much over-used and hardly ever affects grammar when removed.

Always, Allways, Alwase Use A Spelcheker

Put your logo and company details at the bottom of the last page of your off-line Sales Letter.

And at the bottom of your print ad.

In a Sales Letter use blue ink for your signature.

Use a 'Joined-up' handwriting font, not a commonly used Script Font. Best of all scan your own signature.

Always type your name after your signature.

Never, Never, Never Write A Sales Letter Without A PS At The End

Encourage so called 'Junk mail'. Examine closely how the professionally written letters and direct mail packages are put together. Watch the copywriters' use of 'trigger words'. Study their style and learn.

A print ad on a RIGHT HAND page will far out-pull the same ad on a left hand. Because it's more popular with advertisers you may often have to fight for this position with the publisher.

A print ad pulls better, the closer it is to the front of the publication.

PS. Your PS should identify a new benefit, or strongly reinforce a previously mentioned one.

Joe Robson is author of Make Your Words SELL! co-authored by Ken Evoy.

Joe and Tom Glander are Co-Founders of The Newbie Club which is bulging with revolutionary Internet and PC Newbie tutorials.

The Best Headlines Ultimate Newbies Dream?

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Article Best Headlines ..."6 Easy Ways To Avoid Viruses"

By Joe Robson
These simple to apply tips will help you - but not guarantee - to stay virus and spyware free, even if you're connected to the Internet 24 hours a day.

1. Protect Yourself

Good protection on the Internet these days consists of 3 components: anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall.

Good virus protection does NOT need to cost you a fortune. You can get the excellent no-cast anti-virus software I have used for years at Even the professional version of their software is very affordable.

For spyware protection, go to and download Ad-Aware SE Personal, also no-cost. This will zap the most common spyware and adware found on the Internet.

If you have a Firewall installed make sure it is always enabled. Alternatively you can visit a site like and search for Zone Alarm, which has an excellent no-cost version.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to keep your anti-virus software up to date. An anti-virus program that uses definitions that are months old is just about useless, so update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software at least once a week.

2. Stop Opening Every Attachment You Receive.

Most of the devastating worms and viruses of recent times were distributed via email. These viruses feed on the curiosity and also the ignorance of a huge number of email users. People will get an email from and they'll just open whatever file is attached to it.

If you don't know the sender, don't open the attachment - just delete it. It doesn't matter if the subject addresses you by name and promises you'll see Joe Robson on his head on the kitchen table, just delete it. Well you would anyway I suppose:-)

If the email is from someone you know, always scan attachments first with your anti-virus software before opening them.

If every email user in the world followed these simple guidelines the distribution of viruses via email will grind to a halt.

3. Stay Clear Of P**n*graphic And Illegal Software Sites

If you want to pick up viruses and spyware quickly, visit some porno web sites. One wrong click on a subtle little pop-up or security warning window which you'll run into often on these type of sites ( so I'm told:-) and you'll have infested yourself with trojan horses, spyware, dialers and other unfavorable software that could leave your computer wide open to further attacks.

The same goes for web sites distributing software, serial codes and cracks illegally (warez).

Simply put - keep out of the dark side of the web and the odds of keeping your computer clean shifts decidedly in your favor.

4. Be VERY Careful What You Download

Spyware is embedded in a lot of software on the Internet - especially those related to ripping, converting and playing music and videos. That free MP3 player or DVD Ripper you just downloaded may have installed a bunch of harmful spyware without you even knowing about it.

5. Keep Yourself Informed And Up To Date

Major anti-virus software developers like Symantec and Grisoft update their sites regularly with the latest virus alerts. Visit these sites frequently to keep yourself aware of what threats are doing the rounds and how to avoid them.

6. ALWAYS Back Up Your Data.

ALWAYS back up your data frequently. A system crash caused by a worm or virus is not only a massive inconvenience but years of irreplaceable information could be lost forever unless you have backups of your most precious data. Use CD's to copy it at least weekly, but most people forget and allow it to lapse. An easier and inexpensive way is to purchase reputable and proven Backup Software like WinBackup.


Using these simple tips and software is not rocket science. Just stay alert, use some common sense and you too can stay bug free while still enjoying your Internet experience.

Article by Joe Robson, owner of The Newbie Club & Internet Security Kit

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