Power Words
Power Words Netwriting Masters Course
Want to sell more on the Net? Write better. The power is in your power words!
Unfortunately, at least 98% of small business sites start "at the end"... the sale.
Great Netwriting with power words is actually far, far more than writing great sales copy.
Before you write to sell, take an order, clear a credit card and ship a product...
You need traffic. PREsold traffic
And sales copy does not do that.
That is why effective Netwriting is really a two-step process... PREsell, then SELL. And that
requires two different kinds of writing...
1) Write with power words to PREsell.
2) Then, and only then, write to SELL.
Now for the good news... you can do this. How? Take The Netwriting Masters Course.
It is the only book about Netwriting that covers both PREselling and
selling (every other book on Netwriting focuses only on writing to sell -- this itself is a reflection of that "starting-at-the-end" philosophy).
And now for the best news of all...The Netwriting Masters Course is free.
Effective Netwriting with power words (i.e., the kind that generates income) is indeed something that anyone can
accomplish. There is nothing magical or complicated about it. And you don't
need an English degree or literary genius to do it.
You just need to follow the right process, the correct steps. And that
requires you to make the critical offline-to-online business mindshift from
"location, location, location" to...
"Information, information, information!"
Surfers on the Net are not looking for you or your business.
People search for information, for solutions. So give them what they want.
Well before you make your first sale, provide the information (i.e., high value content) that people are
searching for, in a way that the Search Engines like. Create content with power words that OVERdelivers what your visitors seek!
Most small businesses fail on the Net because they prepare to sell and collect money,
before they have provided what their visitors are searching
for... information. These small business owners build a Web site to sell and somehow
figure that traffic will just show up and be willing to buy or hire immediately.
Wrong thinking... wrong process... no results! It's like pushing a string. You have to
pull instead... pull targeted visitors with power words into your site, PREsell them... then, and only then, sell.
Let's boil it down to four simple steps...
1) Create the information that your prospective customers want.
2) Attract targeted traffic -- win the Search Engine wars!
3) PREsell your visitors -- build confidence (people buy from those they trust).
4) Convert traffic to dollars -- sell (whatever that may be... hard goods, e-goods, services, even clicks on Google ads).
As you can see, the first three steps involve a completely different kind of Netwriting. Write with power words to deliver what humans want... information. And write for two audiences, the Search Engine spiders
and the humans. That's what effective PREselling is all about!
To date, all the attention about writing power words-for-the-Net focuses on only one of the four key steps, the last one. Yes, that last one is an important one (it can literally triple sales... or destroy all your good efforts if you write terrible sales copy).
But sales copy only gets a chance to shine after your PREselling content gets the first three steps "right/write power words."
The Netwriting Masters Course is the first and only course that shows you how to get the whole power words process correct... and it's free.
Join the "Top 2%" on the Net. PREsell with information-packed content, then sell
with benefit-focused sales copy, smoothly converting your visitors into customers. This "1-2" power words strategy is the core to building traffic and earning income on the Net
Right thinking... right process... profitable results!
You can do the same.
INTRODUCTION to the Netwriting Masters Course by Ken Evoy, M.D.
Success on the Web is directly under your control. It all
boils down to three "DO-able" steps...
1) develop a great *PRODUCT*.
2) write a *SITE THAT SELLS* with deadly effectiveness.
3) attract *TARGETED TRAFFIC* (i.e., customers) to your site.
There are simply no other variables to blindside your goal.
If you succeed at all three steps, your Net venture will
prosper. No, it must prosper.
BUT, here's the catch...
You have to succeed at *ALL* three.
Over the course of the next four days together, we will
focus on Step #2... how to write a Web site that SELLS!
In fact, we'll go beyond that and look at *ALL* your online
words, including e-mails, autoresponders, newsletters, ads.
Basically, we'll cover every point at which you communicate
with your target market.
Before we start, however, it's critical for you to
understand and BELIEVE the following...
Effective Netwriting is something that A-N-Y-O-N-E can accomplish
Formal writing training is not necessary. You just need an
easy-to-follow method and a few proven tools to write words
that sell on the Web.
Make Your Words Sell! (MYWS!) shows this -- clearly,
efficiently, without any hype. There's nothing magical or
complicated about it, no special "genetic gift" required...
... it's the simple but powerful art of e-persuasion.
The right words on your Web site turn a visitor into a
customer. Your copy effectively persuades visitors that
your product or service is exactly what they want -- so they
buy it!
The wrong words, on the other hand, drive those surfers
to your competitor, never to return.
Not quite convinced that words play such an important role
in your online business? Try this quick experiment.
I have set up a great example of this experiment for you
right at the top of the MYWS! home page...
Go to any sales-oriented Web site.
Imagine that site without any graphics, banners or
animation. Could it sell?
Now try blotting out the words instead. Could it sell?
Obvious, right?
Words provide information. Information is what your
prospective customer uses to decide whether to purchase or
The "look-and-feel" of the presentation enhances, but it
doesn't count in the final buying decision. *BAD*
look-and-feel can lose the sale, but *GOOD* look-and-feel
won't make the sale either.
Why then do some companies spend so much time and money on
graphics and technology? And so little on words?
Words sell, not glitter and whirl.
And that brings us back to our original route to online
success. The three steps (PRODUCT, SITE-SELLING,
TRAFFIC-BUILDING) are inter-dependent...
A poor product will not sell (or at least not for very
long.) And some products are just not cut out for the Web.
Even professional-looking copy will not change these two
stark realities.
Attracting a targeted market is critical. People who do not
have a specific interest or see value in your product will
not take the time to really read or be persuaded by your
text, no matter how great it is.
working trio that can't be split. Each individual step is
influenced by the other.
In this 5 day e-mail course, unfortunately, we won't have
time to cover the full trio.
Make Your Site Sell! (MYSS!), covers all three
steps thoroughly.
Generally accepted by almost every major
Web marketing guru as the BIBLE of selling on the Net.
For the rest of this course, though, we'll concentrate on
getting our Masters Degree in Netwriting, OK? :-)
Successful Netwriting is...
90% perspiration and 10% inspiration
That's why ANYONE can do it, given the right direction.
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know the subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information on it. You can find
full information about Netwriting in "Make Your Words Sell!."
- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
OK, Mr. Johnson didn't really say that last part! ;-)
This short, 5-day Masters course can only, realistically,
get you started as an e-persuader. To become a great one,
it will take time and practice... and MYWS!.
But I'm willing to bet that you are already looking at
your own copy (and your competitor's) in a different light.
What are you doing well?
What needs improvement?
Are you writing through your customer's eyes or your own?
In five short e-mails, we can't deal with all the effective
Netwriting tools. Key elements were purposely highlighted
in order to provide a firm foundation. Look how far we've
come in this short time...
Most Wanted Response (MWR) - know what you most want
your visitor/reader to do.
Ideal Customer's Mindset - get inside your reader's head
and understand her feelings, wants and needs.
Benefits - answer the reader's single most important
question... "What's in it for me?"
Opening Headline and Subheadings - flag the reader, grab
her attention and slow those scanning eyes so that
your words can be read.
Seamless Sales Copy - create a flow that pulls the
reader through the sales message and achieves the MWR.
Once you have mastered these, format your copy to reduce the
"pain" of reading online. (Reading from a computer screen is
25% slower, and far more uncomfortable than reading on paper.)
And once you have the sale, you'll send a wonderfully
crafted e-mail that averts "Buyer's Remorse" and
cross-sells. Which brings me to another of MYWS!'s
MYWS!... For E-mail.
This volume covers it all...
How to write a professional e-mail (from the e-mail that
I receive, I'd say that only 30% of folks do this!)
How to write an e-mail that GETS READ
How to write a post-sales e-mail that averts "Buyer's
Remorse" and cross-sells
How to write e-zine ads and articles
and finally, how to make your e-zine sell!
Unfortunately, all this is beyond the scope of this final
day. But MYWS! does deliver all you need to know.
One more special area where words are so important...
If you have an online store, the principles remain the same,
but the execution changes because of the unique structure
and function of an online store. Basically, here are the
key issues that you need to nail down...
Develop the single "Most Wanted Response" that every
store must aim for.
Craft a Storefront (Home Page) that achieves its most
important function.
Write a strong opener that pulls your visitor deeply into
your store.
Make the text links of your product directory work like
Write sales-pulling product descriptions, for thumbnails
and zoomed descriptions (very different!).
Turn the "fraught with peril" path to checkout into a
simple, tight process.
Convince your visitor to roll that shopping cart up to
the cash register and click that "Buy Now" button.
Write your after-sales message. Again, almost no one
does this.
MYWS! covers all of this completely, in the only volume of
its kind on the Net...
- To sum it all up, five days later?
Always write for your ideal or target customer.
Don't try to persuade or convert visitors/readers who have
no specific interest in your product or service.
Get your customer's mindset right.
Build towards your MWR.
Steadily increase your visitor's perceived value of your
product or service. Benefits and more benefits have to be
Never waver from your MWR goal. Be consistent.
Do all of this and you will indeed write a Web site that
SELLS. Pure and simple... it *will* sell
Well, you now have your Masters Degree in Netwriting from
SiteSell University. For your PhD,
the "BIBLE of Netwriting"...
Allan Gardyne, of associateprograms.com fame, summarized his
review of MYWS! in his excellent newsletter like this....
As you know, SiteSell OVER-delivers, packing
incredible value for money into every product.
"Make Your Words Sell" is no exception.
Whether you're an affiliate or a merchant,
you need this book, because everyone who has
a website needs it.
Thanks very much for joining me over the last 5 days. I
wish you much "online writing" success.
The goal of The Netwriting Masters Power Words Course is to help you write
better so that you can sell more! It shows you how to use the right words with the right process...
how to pull targeted visitors into your site, PREsell them... then, and only then, sell.
Change the process to change the results.
Start building your traffic and income today
The Netwriting Masters Power Words Course e-book.