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Nothing beats the voice of experience when researching a product. That's why these Solo Build It! reviews are written by everyday people. Find out from everyday people, folks just like you, writing just for you.
No "professional Internet marketers" here. They recommend whoever pays most. You'll even find fake SBI! reviews, written only to bait-and-switch you for payment.
We "keep it real." No games, only reviews from the heart. We don't pay these people. In fact, they pay us - by paying it forward to you.
Who better to tell you all about it? This brief video collage gives you a flavour of who and what it is all about. Some go back 15 years, all still with us...
The SBI! Advantage Results in Totally Different Reviews
It's hard to imagine what the system is like, why it works (Hint: "It" doesn't "work" - you do!). These reviewers share that. They share the experience through their eyes, fingertips on keyboards.
"My lightbulb moment came when I changed my attitude from building a website to building a business.
I'm bragging on what SBI! has done for me. It has taught me, trained me, helped me, guided me, and provided all the tools I needed to be successful.
This whole German recipe site is built around the keyword phrase, German recipes. You can check it out yourself.
Put the words "German recipes" into your search engine... and have a look for yourself at the results!"
"It's hard to believe I started this site way back in 2006. There has been a lot of work, and a lot of learning - All totally worthwhile because I have the best readers on the internet, and a pretty great life.
This site allows me to work in a way that is fully in line with my own values.
My results were there from the start. As long as I worked on my site, I could see traffic growing, and then income started growing. It took time. Anyone who is being honest with you will tell you there is no overnight success. But as long as I kept working, I saw progress.
The three things that have kept me a Solo Build It! customer for 10+ years are results, support, and integrity."
"My professional career and financial situation were in turmoil after the collapse of the real estate market in 2008. As a civil engineer, real estate broker, and developer there was not much opportunity to find a way to make a living in those dark days.
Solo Build It! came to my rescue.
My career in engineering and real estate took me all over Florida and I developed a love for Florida history and travel on the back roads. I wondered if there were a way to make an online business work by sharing my knowledge and interest in those subjects.
I built this successful website into a profitable business using the tools provided by SBI! I shudder to think where my business would be if I had gone with the phony competitor."
"My San Francisco site is one of the most visited sites in the world. It's currently ranked in the top 300K of the total 170M (yes 170 million) sites in the world and continues to grow each day. Remember, many of these sites have been around for 10, 15 or even 20 years with a full-time staff.
In the short time since I've had my site, I've learned so much, started to make a living full time online, and have the freedom to travel where I want, when I want. SBI! from SiteSell is part of the reason my site is successful today.
I am able to meet and interact with other successful site owners (all SBIers also). This is another really cool part of SBI! from SiteSell. They have a VERY active forum community. I'm not a "techie", so if I have questions that need to be answered, I can jump on the forums and ask others SBIers to help me out. Within minutes, I usually get an answer to my question so I can continue to move forward. I'm also able to now help others that have questions.
I would absolutely recommend SBI! to anyone looking to build a SERIOUS online business. It takes time, hard work, and dedication, and SBI! will take you down the right path to success. They will give you the tools and support you need to build a business where you can make a good living online or add to your current income."
"I've always loved travelling around the Victorian countryside. Loved taking the kids into the city — Melbourne that is. It's always fascinated me, just how much there was to do and see and so many hidden places and missed opportunities that I came across back then.
Family Getaways Melbourne was born in the year of 2008. A funny little website with a huge heart at its core.
Did I know what I was doing? Nope!
Did I know what I had to do? Yep! Thanks to SBI and the Action Guide for one and the amazing SBI! Forum Community for another.
Did I know where to begin? Yep! Just follow the Action Guide.
Did I drown? Nope!
My online business traffic is increasing as are my financial earnings from both Google Adsense and the few Travel Affiliates that I use within the site."
"My business allowed me to stay home with my kids at a time when it really counted. That was priceless to me, and has continued to give me a security and freedom I treasure.
As a life-long dog-lover, puppies have always been a passion of mine, but I have to admit that it wasn't the topic I had originally intended to build my website around.
Fortunately SBI's tools and Action Guide forced me to re-think some of my assumptions and expectations.
It steered me away from overcrowded, unsustainable topics such as 'make money online'.
Instead the incredible tools pointed me in the direction of something I was passionate, and knowledgeable about... taking care of dogs.
And boy, am I ever glad they did.
SBI has added another dimension to my life, one that brings me so much enjoyment, fulfillment, pride (and yes $$$s) that I am grateful every day that I found Solo Build It!"
Henry David Thoreau, American author from the mid-1800s and champion of self-reliance and individualism, once said...
Most men lead
lives of quiet desperation
and die with their song still inside them.
It's profound, truer today than ever. Most of us do want to live life on our terms.
Let us unlock your song. It takes time and effort, though, to master-to make a difference.
In short, it takes some sacrifice now to achieve key life goals later.
Suppose you start and discover that you aren't willing to do it, that "it's too much?"
So? That's not a failure. You gave it a good try! Few do.
Give yourself permission to let go of that "quiet desperation" to want "something more." Enjoy life as it is.
Please believe this-there is no more doable, more efficient way to build a profitable business with real life-changing impact.
People get sucked into "make money" schemes over and over, only to be disappointed.
Suckers to "this time is different" copywriting, that is sad.
But giving up!? All you are telling yourself is "accept life as it is."
You gave it a shot and that's all that anyone should demand of him/herself.
Yes, we're aware that's a strange way to close a web page. But it's also as true as you're ever going to get...
You win, even if you lose (stop chasing what isn't meant to be).
And you really win if you win (achieve goals that matter by growing a profitable business you love).
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If you purchase a product through links on this page I receive a small commission at no cost to you. I was not paid for writing this review- and I did not receive it as a freebie. I am suggesting it for you because I own it and love it- and I think you would- too.
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