Go Skiing: Discover the Area Soon-Winter Actions in Top Environment

Mountain Lodges and go Skiing Kilometer Distances

Go Skiing-fantastic to be on Hardangervidda again

We used the night to drive up to the family skiing holidays area on Hardangervidda.

With 3 drivers and light night traffic, we all agreed, it was a good way of travelling to Hardangervidda to start the skiing season.

We were longing for the snow and to glide along the skiing-tracks...

After arriving to Fagerheim, we decided very fast, to take an early morning trip to Krekkja and get our breakfast there...

We changed to skiing clothes in a hurry and started out in the first day-light...
It was a bit cold, but the snow was very good and we enjoyed to be out there on the family skiing holiday in the first morning light!

Fantastic to be skiing on Hardangervidda again...

After driving from Denmark during the night we arrived at Fagerheim ready  to start the first morning skiing trip.

We started out for a morning trip to Krekkja and had our breakfast there. After some resting we went back to Fagerheim and settled for the night.

The next day started with light snow and we went the mountain route to Halne and had lunch there.

We decided to go to Stigstuv and during the first kilometres we had good weather and good snow.

But then the snow became heavy and the wind started blowing against us. We had some hard hours walk until we arrived a Stigstuw, very tired.

Since the weather had become rough, many people had arrived at Stigstuw and we had to sleep in the living room on the sofas.

The next morning we started out for Fagerheim in very nice weather.

The day became one of the best with sun from a cloudless sky and silence around the mountains...

We arrived early in the afternoon and rested in the sun at the south-west wall, with a beautiful view over the mountains.

Rauhelleren is a good place to stay, with fire in the chimney and good food. It can be a little crowded at Easter, but people are friendly and we like to stay there on family skiing holidays.

The next morning we started out for Hein in nice weather.

The trip to Hein was easy and we had a good day with tea times and rests.

We decided to stay at Hein for the night and got rooms in one of the side buildings.

We started the fire in the chimney, because we were the first in the building the rooms were cold.

After a couple of hours, the temperature became good and we had a cosy time with beer and card playing.


The pictures...

  • Arriving at Fagerheim parking
  • A beautiful morning skiing
  • Happy people outside entrance at Fagerheim
  • A good rest and teabreak
  • After a long days walk in snow and wind from Fagerheim- we arrived at Stigstuv, very tired and happy to be there
  • After a good nights sleep and very good food, we are ready to move again
  • A very nice afternoon at Rauhellern
  • The happy dog "Tango" hunting snowballs
  • Getting ready to move again in the morning
  • Ski preparation with swix - skiwax
  • Tea-break and some rest
  • A wonderful happy hour with fire in the ovens and some beer
  • A new day outside Hein
  • Leaving Hein with a very nice day ahead
  • Another fantastic cross country skiing day
  • Veterans in the track
  • DNT-route-signs to Krekkja and Hein

We highly recommend go skiing Hardangervidda

The Telemark skiing Norway page-info about the skiing area!

Miljöstatus: 2014 var et rekordår for fjellreven i Norge. Totalt 50 valpekull ble registrert, og minst 321 valper ble født. Også 2015 ble et godt år for fjellreven. Det ble dokumentert 40 kull og minimum 204 valper. I 2016 ble det nedgang i antall fjellrevkull. Det ble registrert 16 valpekull og minst 60 valper. Årsaken til nedgangen er bunnår for smågnagere, som er viktig føde for fjellreven.
I 2017 ble det registrert 40 kull og minimum 135 individer.

We want the arctic fox back in the mountains. Help us saving the fox

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Wunder Map Hardangervidda
With Weather Forecast!

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Ski Rental
Haugastöl Turist Senter:

Geilo Ski Shop:

Follow the Norwegian mountain code and stay safe on your go skiing trip:

  1. Plan your trip and inform others about the route you    have selected
  2. Adapt the planned routes according to ability and conditions
  3. Pay attention to the weather and the avalanche warnings
  4. Be prepared for bad weather and frost, even on short trips.
  5. Bring the necessary equipment so you can help yourself and others.
  6. Choose safe routes. Recognize avalanche terrain and unsafe ice.
  7. Use a map and a compass. Always know where you are.   
  8. Don’t be ashamed to turn around                           
  9. Save your energy and seek shelter if necessary.

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Værvarsel Hardangervidda: Yr

Yr.no Forecast for Hardangervidda

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