Top Email: HOW to Implement All the Tips-Techniques Into Your Business

Top Email

Dear Friend
It's not often that I am surprised by something I see online. And it's even more rare that I stumble upon a book that causes me to literally stop what I am doing and write about this amazing top email book.

But I just discovered that Corey Rudl - probably one of the best-known and most well-respected experts on the subject of top email marketing - has just released all the details behind how he used top e-mail marketing and email trade secrets to make $213,705 and attract 41,409 new opt-in subscribers in the last 30 days alone!

The truth is, I still can't figure out exactly WHY Corey has made this information available, since it gives everyone - including his competitors - the chance to steal the top email secrets he's spent the last 6 years perfecting!

He shows you everything from growing a super-responsive opt-in list as quickly as possible, to generating the highest possible revenue from every top e-mail you send, to protecting your business from being wrongly accused of spamming and knowing how to effectively deal with it if you are...

He also teaches you when you should mail, how you should mail, what you should write, and when you should send it so that you are guaranteed the best possible results from each and every top e-mail...

His years of testing are going to completely eliminate all of YOUR guesswork!

The thing is, the top email marketing industry HAS changed dramatically over the past few years. And while company after company has gone out of business just trying to keep up with all these changes, Corey has continued to generate over $2.2 million every year with top e-mail marketing.

And this book shows you step-by-step what he did and how he did it so you can take his strategies and model them to create your own success.

With over 430+ pages that include tons of great real-life examples, I was especially impressed by the way Corey's book breaks down exactly HOW you can implement - and test - all the tips and techniques that he teaches into your own business.

I still think that Corey's going to regret giving all this information away, so I would advise you to grab this book while you can! It really does tell you everything you need to do to grow your business successfully with his email trade secrets.

3 Outstanding Questions

Wow! I wasn't quite prepared for the overwhelming response I got as a result of my message regarding Corey Rudl's new book on top e-mail marketing. And I feel a little embarrassed now because I haven't had the chance to personally answer everyone who has been e-mailing me about this.

So in order to make sure I haven't left any outstanding questions - and to let you in on a little bit of "inside information" - here is a list of the top 3 questions I received in the last few days about Corey's brand-new book, "The Insider Secrets to Top Email Marketing - Advanced Series"...

FAQ #1 --
"I don't have an opt-in top e-mail list. Will this book still apply to me and my business?"

Yes! Definitely... Since getting everything set up to actually START an opt-in list is pretty intimidating for most people, Corey explains EXACTLY what you need to do, step by step...

Heck, he even tells you how to start building your opt-in list if your site doesn't get any traffic... or even if you don't actually HAVE an online business yet!

And once Corey blasts you through the basics and makes it all really painless for you, he leads you through advanced strategies like how to increase your opt-in rate by 10%-20% overnight!

FAQ #2 --
"How do I know Corey's not full of hot air? How can you prove these strategies will actually work for MY business?"

Good question... I know I'd be asking this, too, since 99% of the information you get about e-mail marketing from the "so-called" experts is based on theory and myths that they're all passing around.

Look, Corey not only gives you PROOF - with hard numbers, examples, and case studies - that these strategies are the ones he's personally using to generate phenomenal success... He's going to give you the exact conversion rates, opt-in rates, sales-to-visitor conversion rates, etc. that you can reasonably expect when you apply these strategies to YOUR business.

So you'll be able to compare your results to the exact numbers he's promised you... How's that for proof?!

FAQ #3 --
"So just how much is this going to cost me?"

OK, this is the "inside information" I was talking about... Because this is a brand-new product, and because Corey is anxious to get some feedback on the book from my subscribers, he's agreed to offer a limited-time 52% discount - but ONLY until he's sold the first 500 copies!

I just got off the phone with him, and Corey tells me that he has already sold over 400 copies, so there isn't much time left to take advantage of this BIG 52% discount. After he sells his 500th copy, that's it - you'll have to pay full price! No exceptions.

All the best and have a terrific time!

Please Look Into the Table of Contents of
The Insider Secrets to E-mail Marketing

Introduction: My $2.4 Million Dollar Secret
Lesson 1: Making Opt-in Top Email Marketing Work for Your Business
Lesson 2: Knowing the Difference Between Opt-in E-mail and Spam
Lesson 3: Proven Strategies for Growing Your Opt-in List
Lesson 4: Collecting and Storing E-mail Adresses
Lesson 5: Preparing Your Opt-in List for a Mailout
Lesson 6: Establishing a Successful Newsletter
Lesson 7: Writing Magnetic E-mail Promotions
Lesson 8: Formatting Your Newsletters and E-mail Promotions
Lesson 9: Writing Subject Lines That Get Your E-mail Opened
Lesson 10: The Best Time to Hit "Send"
Lesson 11: Avoiding Mailout Disasters with the "Pre-Send" Checklist
Lesson 12: Tracking, Measuring, and Analyzing Your Promotion Results
Lesson 13: Advanced E-mail Marketing Strategies
Bonus Lesson A: Keep Your List Clean! Avoid Beeing Accused of Spamming!
Bonus Lesson B: The Ultimate Automated Follow-up System
Bonus Lesson C: Killer Subject Lines and E-mail Templates

Tools of the Trade
Glossary of Terms

Here are some powerful sentences from the Introduction.....

I completely understand WHY people believe spammers have already ruined top e-mail marketing for the rest of us.
Yet I also know from personal experience, that it is simply not true.
If top e-mail marketing doesn't work, then how in the world did I make $2.4 million last year from e-mail marketing alone? And how do so many of my clients continue to experience similar successes?

I wanted people to truly "get" how critical top e-mail marketing is to the success of any online OR offline business. I wanted people to be able to take my knowledge, apply it to their own businesses, and snowball their $2000 - $3000 income into 40,000... $100,000+ per year.

And I realized that the only way I could make this happen was by writing a comprehensive top email book - an "advanced" guide - on e-mail marketing. I realized that I needed to write a book that would blow these myths out of the water while making top e-mail marketing strategies (like growing and managing a huge opt-in list, writing effective e-mail promotions, and starting a successful online newsletter) all accessible to the "average" person.

If you ARE educated and you DO know what works, what doen't, and how to avoid the dangers and pitfalls, you can dramatically increase the income of your online or offline business.

You can use e-mail promotions to build your credibility... develop and maintain close, personal relationships with your customers and subscribers... generate referrals and sales leads... automate your customer service... dramatically increase your sales and income... plus much more!

My team all agreed that our customers and subscribers deserve to know these techniques.

I realized that the more people understand how responsible top e-mail marketing works and how to avoid accidently sending spam, the longer e-mail marketing will remain a profitable, cost-effective way for business owners to communicate with their clients.

So we all win...

And that's how this book came to be a brain dump of our most advanced top e-mail marketing testing and research.

I know that probably sounds cocky, but I can say this with confidence because I know for a fact that we're revealing strategies in this book that simly can't be found anywhere else. For any price. Period.


My most guarded secrets are out, and I guess there's no going back now!

But the truth is, despite my hesitations about sharing my most cutting-edge techniques, I really am glad my team and I put this top email book together.

And I'm glad we decided not to hold anything back.

After all, top e-mail marketing is a lot harder these days than it used to be, but it doesn't have to be that way - if you're educated about the right ways to use this powerful tool. Once you truly understand the simple steps I've outlined in this book, you'll be armed with all the tools you need to launch a successful, responsible e-mail marketing campaign.

So the most important thing for you to do is just get started.

Pick the one technique that gets you the most excited - the one that made you run for a pencil to start jotting ideas down...

Then start using that technique in your business right away. Play with it awhile. Try a few tests and variations. Then' once you've fully mastered that initial step, move on to the next exciting strategy you're dying to try...

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