MLM Guide: Convert an Online Contact Into a Warmer One Now

Free MLM Guide

What Is a "Small Small-business," Exactly?

Thousands of "small small-businesses" ("SSBs") have used SBI! to establish online enterprises... and/or to grow existing offline ones (yes, offline!). They follow the best-practices-based, step-by-step SBI! process, applying it to their own particular business circumstances.

What is a "small small-business," exactly? It's the vast majority of businesses today...and it's virtually ignored and badly served on the Net today. Our main competitors, as you saw in the chart above, focus on just getting a site up. But the reality is that you don't exist if you don't have traffic.

Which is why virtually every kind of "small small-business" is using SBI!. (Of course, I won't rest until every *single* "small small-business" is using SBI!. But that's another story!) ;-)

One thing we've noticed, though, as Theresa has meticulously canvassed, surveyed and randomly reviewed users...

While every *kind* of SSB uses Site Build It!, they are not all using it perfectly. Everyone "gets" the Action Guide. And the Action Guide (Not an MLM Guide!) provides great strategies and ideas for affiliates, and for people selling services - two very big market sectors for us.

But as we continue to add more and more functions to SBI! (without any price increase), the kinds of "small small-businesses" that benefit from SBI! grow and grow...

  • 1-10 employee small-businesses or organizations -- offline in nature but who need to develop a solid Web presence, generate some targeted traffic, and build loyalty through a newsletter for customers. For example...

  • landscaping company - get the jump on competitors

  • specialty retailer - build a devoted clientele

  • themed restaurant - run "Net specials of the week"

  • local manufacturer - attract and support customers.

  • Service businesses - building a client base, whether clients are local (ex., magician for house parties) or global (ex., JAVA programmer)

  • SOHOs & NOHOs - running real businesses from home. For example, the stay-at-home spouse or retired person (or even teenager!) who is, or who could be, converting knowledge or a skill set into a strong, second-income, work-from-home business.

  • Reps/Network Marketers - who represent great products and companies, and who want targeted, warm, incoming leads from MLM Guide traffic... people who will buy and build with them. How? By providing high-value, relevant content, not a "sales pitch."

  • Affiliates - who can earn thousands of dollars per month, yet not even have a product of their own.

  • Those who already have e-commerce sites -- who need targeted traffic... motivated, interested buyers.

  • People who want to sell e-goods - e-books, e-photos, anything that can be digitized. (Watch the e-photo sales market boom!)

  • Web professionals - who, too, can use SBI! to boost productivity by 1000%.

MLM Guide Bottom Line...

No matter what your business is, or what it is you are hoping to accomplish online (whether you want to earn affiliate income, drive traffic to a Yahoo! store, or sell your services online), SBI!'s total integrated solution allows you to build a Web business that pulls in targeted, willing-to-buy traffic in numbers that far exceed anything beyond even my expectations!

And that's a good thing! :-)

As I said, though, certain of the above sectors have not adapted the use of SBI! for *optimal* results. So, in the coming weeks, we'll be adding sector-specific "Help & Strategies", and then add this material to the TNT HQ at Site Central.

For example, next week we'll talk about local businesses with local clientele. At first glance, you might think that they wouldn't have much use for the Net. But this will be a *huge* growing trend. So we want to make sure, if this applies to *you,* that you get the most out of it.

However, let's stick with the here and now and get going with this week's sector...

MLM Guide: Network Marketing -MLM-sale - Also Called Multi-Level Marketing.

Network Marketing MLM-sale is not "pyramids," which are strictly illegal. Network Marketing is a viable business model that generates significant income for millions of people worldwide. However, it tends to attract more than its share of get-rich-quick artists. So pick your company carefully and seriously.

It's been interesting watching the Network Marketing –MLM-sale industry try to figure out the Net. You'd think that if any industry could figure out the networking power of the Net fast, it would be this one.

Yes, most Network Marketing - companies and their associates did recognize the potential offered by the Net (many predicted it would serve as the ultimate recruitment tool). But they have, in large part, been unsuccessful in generating results of any kind - either as sales, or as leads.

MLM Guide: What Is Going Wrong?

No blame being designated to anyone below, of course. Network Marketing has long been an offline venture, and the move to the online world has been a completely new experience.

MLM guide companies are not providing their associates with the ability to speak with a "unique" voice (the key to any success on the Net). Actually, they suppress that voice due to legal concerns - valid concerns, I might add.

Network Marketing MLM traffic sales corporations are not providing their reps with the correct tools and strategies to attract and win new leads and/or free MLM traffic on the Net. For example...

  • They may provide "cookie cutter" Web sites - each one identical to a million others. Big deal, there's nothing special about each one and the Search Engines ignore them all, compressing identical content out of existence.

  • They may provide online stores in their name. Great idea, but if it ends there, is it much better than just filling in a form and faxing it?

  • Some even provide a small number of trained Webmasters who will build a site and maintain it for thousands of dollars per year. What's the natural instinct of the high-rollers who can afford it? Duplicate the site and give it to their downline. Result? Instant death as the engines kick you out for spamming them with identical content.

And, of course, there are hundreds of scammy lead-selling companies that sell the same lists of a million leads "for your downline." Hello? Think about that one. These don't even deserve a second thought, yet they prey on the weak with remarkable success - but only the lead-selling companies make money.

And then there are government issues for Network Marketers MLM-sales people to worry about... what you can say and what you can't say.

In the end, Network Marketers, MLM-sales people/Reps/Distributors are on their own when it comes to driving traffic to their Web sites, and if they do, little comes from it. Most of these sites are little more than a blatant sales pitch - a page that sells the opportunity and the products, and a page that asks for a name, an address, and a phone number.

Unfortunately, there's nothing online that annoys surfers more than a blatant sales pitch, especially if it turns out to be a "MLM traffic opportunity." There is a widespread bias against this distribution model, so the approach needs to be a patient, quality build-a-pipeline, one...

.... not a get-rick-quick one.

Site Build It! provides the ultimate solution for all these problems. The answer is so, so obvious it almost hurts. But we have yet to see a single Network Marketer use SBI! in the way I am about to suggest (although a couple come very close - if you have a free MLM traffic-sales site using the approach that I outline below), please let us know. I'll be glad to feature you as a follow-up to this article.

Before talking about the perfect *online* solution, let's talk about who succeeds in sale *offline*...

They are extroverted, ebullient people who can approach others easily and naturally introduce them to the opportunities offered by their respective businesses. These folks build large personal networks - they execute what is called the "30 foot rule" effortlessly.

What Is The "30 Foot Rule?"

Anyone within 30 feet is a potential prospect! They approach people in bank lines, talk to their seatmates in airplanes, play golf as singles... they network like mad.

And more power to them, because they've made it work and built their own successful businesses.

Unfortunately, most people can barely approach their own small network of friends and family... what's called the "warm circle of contacts." They can barely gather enough courage to approach their "warm circle" let alone that "30 foot circle of strangers." And that's a critical reason why most fail...

The key, of course, to building significant revenues in MLM guide marketing is to build your "downline" and to make personal sales.

*Sales* + *Downline* = *Significant* residual income

So the ambitious extrovert succeeds. But the vast majority fail, for a variety of reasons... fear, lack of opportunity, shyness, etc. For example...

A stay-at-home spouse is immediately at a disadvantage - no opportunity to network. And so is any individual who is a) shy by nature, or b) finds "hard-selling" crass or offensive (despite real passion for a company's products).

The Internet, though, provides the opportunity to change all that, to turn the tables completely around.

The stay-at-home spouse can now have a world-wide circle of contacts!

And the shy, soft spoken one? She can speak with a booming voice!

Imagine the scenario where you did not have to tap on someone's shoulder at an airport? Imagine, instead, that strangers from around the world tapped on *your* shoulder, thanking you for great info and calling you or e-mailing you with questions.

5, 10, 20 leads per day like that. Perfectly do-able. And best of all... they are calling *you.*

When folks call you, the dynamics are completely reversed. You're the expert. You're the person who shares information. And *they* are the ones who initiated contact.

That's better than the best "diamond" can do... and the extroverted personality probably does not have the patience to build what you can do, with Site Build It! and the Web.

But it has to be done right. Here's how...

SBI!'s approach is perfect for a free MLM traffic marketer. For example, let's say that you're a 55 year old male with a prostate problem, and you've just joined Mellaleuca (a solidly run company). You've read a lot about prostatism. Build a terrific site with a theme related to this. Fill it with Keyword-Focused Content Pages (KFCPs) that SBI!'s Brainstormer will not only suggest, but will also identify as most profitable.

You'll attract targeted free traffic from the SEs - your own pre-qualified leads who come to you, not the other way around.

The content credentializes you as a sharing, generous expert, by OVERdelivering quality information in response to a SE query, about a problem that concerns your visitor.

What do you do now?

Get them to fill out a form for your free CD-ROM?

Send them with a link over to your online store to buy your anti-prostate products.

Get them to sign up for your Mellaleuca business opportunity?

No, no, and no. All fatal.

Just as you were developing a warm and trusting connection, you ruined it all. For example, "regular" people don't have CD-ROMs to offer. And despite the "warm and fuzzy" feelings, your visitor is not ready to join a Network Marketing, MLM Guide-sales biz-opportunity. It all ends up "smelling" like a pitch.

MLM Guide: Here Are Some More *Do Nots*...

Do not duplicate pages already provided by your company. The kiss of death. Adapt some of the content, if you like. But don't use it verbatim.

Do not even mention the company you represent or the products that you will try to sell... do this later, once the person contacts you. Two reasons to delay...

  1. It's too soon - blatantly selling "MLM Guide" products or recruiting your downline in an aggressive fashion does not work on the Net, and it won't work with SBI! either, even with all that traffic. It's just too soon to go for the sale.

  2. You'll stay out of trouble with both your company and the government. Your company must live by all sorts of government regulations and can't allow you to make all sorts of claims. And the government won't allow you to do the same. So don't.

MLM Guide: What Do You Do Instead?

What do you do once you have someone on your site, reading your content, building some trust and interest in you?

MLM Guide: Be Patient. Build a Pipeline...

  1. Encourage folks to call or e-mail you if they have any questions. You'd be glad to answer them.

  2. Naturally, build trust through the publication of a high quality newsletter. And again, in your newsletter, invite them to call or e-mail if they have questions.

My daughter, Nori, gets 4-5 e-mails per day to her site and we don't even encourage e-mails or contacting us. They have all kinds of questions (most popular one is "other good cheap restaurants"). This is already happening even though Nori has not had the time to build a ton of content at her site...

And that's just Nori. So many SBI! sites, as you saw above, generate amazing traffic. But *you,* as a Network Marketer, sales person have a far simpler job. *Don't sell.* Just PREsell and make your "Most Wanted Response" very simple...

"Contact Me."

Imagine what you could do if you built just one page per day? In 2-3 months, you'd have at least 5 warm leads contacting you. These are not "leads" sold by a lead-selling company. These are real human beings who appreciate your content, who like you, and who want to know more. From there, you'd go to 10, 20, leads... every day...

Real People, Very Interested In What You Are Saying. What More Could any Network Marketer Want?

Remember, MLM Guide-sale has a bad image that you must overcome. So a Web site is just too early, too cold, to overcome that bias. You must convert the cold, digital contact of a Web site to a warmer one... e-mail or even better, phone.

Convert an online contact into a warmer one. Slowly and gently, use your company's training to introduce your visitors to the products (and/or the opportunity, depending on your goals), as they come to trust and know you.

I know I'm wasting my time here, with the get-rick-quick folk, of whom I hope there is no one reading this. This approach will work, but like anything in business, it takes some work - but once the pipeline starts to pour, it will be a steady producer for you.

And your "diamond" upline will start to wonder what's happening to you.

You don't have to tell her, of course! But *do* share with your downline. Teaching them to use SBI! as well as you do, on themes of their choice, can only increase your income dramatically.

Talk about "Win-Win-Win-Win"...

"Win" for you

"Win" for your downline

"Win" for your company

.... and of course, we're glad to participate! :-)

Let's switch from prostate to heart (two of my favourite organs, I guess!)...

Suppose your company sells a complete line of powerful and innovative anti-oxidant blends which have been proven to aid in the fight against heart disease. Instead of talking directly about the product itself, search out keyword niches in the "heart disease" theme, and do your best to present your visitor with a complete discussion of the "heart disease" issue, OVER-delivering on quality information.

Within your content pages, you will discuss both conventional and alternative remedies, and ultimately, even what you are taking that has made a big difference in your life (I trust you don't push stuff that does not work!).

Now, here's how to ruin it...

End your article with a direct link to your "cookie-cutter" recruitment or sales site. That will leave 99% of visitors with a bad taste in their mouths...

"Oh, that's what this is about... a pitch!

MLM Guide: Nope... Instead, "Make Traffic Haste Slowly."

Write great articles, and publish a fantastic e-zine. Build trust and credibility. That *must* be your #1 priority.
Take your time to get the build going. And don't worry, you will get the opportunity to introduce your visitors and subscribers to the opportunities your company offers...

.... When the time is right.

.... When *they* call *you.*


Rush things, "pitch" your visitors before you establish your credibility, and you can bid farewell to 99.9% to them.

So do it right...

And your visitors will come knocking on your door.
Isn't that a lot better (and easier and less nerve-racking) than having to go knocking on their doors?

And, naturally, once you've developed and perfected the above formula, share it with the downline that you've built. *Do not allow them to copy what you've done.* You'll only ruin your site's performance at the engines.

But do use one of the MLM guide's most important principles...

Replicate your knowledge.

MLM Guide: Teach Your Downline To Use SBI! As Well As You Do.

But encourage them to pick a niche, a theme, that turns traffic on *and* that relates to a part of your company's product line.
Like I said, if you accomplish this, you'll have a true... *Win-Win-Win-Win* on your hands. :-)

>> **Building Offline Buzz**

The Buzz is building! We can hear it from here!

All SBI!'ers can earn 25% commission fees...

AND a 25% rebate...

AND (for SBI'ers ONLY) a $50 EXTRA ***BUZZ BONUS***.


Just buzz. Spread the word on Site Build It! OFFline! Who better to benefit from SBI! by spreading the word than YOU, who knows the amazing power and ease of SBI! best!

If you're not already a 5 Pillar Affiliate, join the Club...

....... and build the buzz! :-)

Written by Ken Evoy, M.D.,

Small-Business-Specific Sites

The following sites aim at specific needs and benefits. They're laser beams... For The Aspiring Infopreneur... InfoPublishing
Build an online business based upon what you know (from work experience, hobbies, passions, or past-times).
If you know your subject matter, and if you're motivated to build a REAL business with growing, diversified revenues...

Already have an online store? A sales site?
Most SSBs who do are in supreme pain... no traffic. We remind you of your "no traffic" pain.

... and take the "Get to the Point Test" - it's a powerful demo of just how badly off your business is, traffic-wise, and how much better you could be doing.

The Word to Professional Webmasters
Small business people who "do it themselves" are the tip of the iceberg. Webmasters reach the iceberg... those who want others to do it for them.
For the folks who reach the iceberg...

Finally, the promise of affiliate marketing is realized. Publish a theme-based information-jammed content site. Monetize with the cream of affiliate programs, blend in additional AdSense and other revenues. Finally...

Build an affiliate site that WORKS. Diversify as you grow

Network Marketers
Network Marketing starts with recruiting/lead generation. Generating leads is "made for the Net." But that's not the way matters have unfolded. Why? Because everyone in the industry has tried to force offline methods, online.
There's no need to push (i.e., chase cold calls/prospects) when you can motivate them to pull (i.e., they call you)

Online Auction Sellers
Auction sellers should free themselves of eBay dependency. The "Big 3" will do it --> #1) Own #2) Diversify #3) Build equity.
Now auction sellers can build REAL businesses that THEY own

For Those Selling a Service... or Could Be!
It's *THE* Most Overlooked Opportunity on the Net. Build an evergrowing client base until you can say... "I'm sorry... I'm not taking new clients."
The Theme-Based Content Site is perfect because every service revolves around a theme

For LOCAL Businesses with LOCAL Clients
There are tens of millions of small local businesses not yet online. Those who ARE online? They die deaths of quiet, no-traffic desperation. Show them how to build a Web site that WORKS... One that delivers 100 times the benefits of a Yellow Pages ad, At one tenth of the cost. Whether through Print Ad, or friend-to-friend, The KEY is to reach them offline and get them to this important site...

Get paid a referrer or finder's fee by an offline business for finding a customer (or a "lead") for it. This monetization model is as classic as business itself.
The Net, though, makes it far more cost-effective...

Selling Hard Goods
Thinking about selling products online? Maybe you already are, but want to do better... much better? If so... Year by year, both retailers and shoppers are moving ever more online. It's the low risk, easy, efficient way to sell. And, for shoppers, it's the ideal way to buy (fast, convenient, reliable, endless variety, cheap).

Selling E-goods
E-books (especially non-fiction "how to"), e-photos (booming!) scans, niche software, etc. The whole "digital goods for sale" space is soaring.

Whether you represent villa rentals in Tuscany, medical imaging manufacturers, or the services of computer programmers,
you CAN sell or rent effectively online...

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