The 6th Pillar Program is Fantastic to Spread the Word About the 5 Pillar Program
PREsell it through the 6th Pillar
Here's how it works...
The 6th Pillar Program will be beneficial for any free affiliate program who is...
- severely time pressured
- overwhelmed by advice/ contradictions of online marketing
- just starting out with their first affiliate program
- having trouble, for whatever reason.
Lots of affiliates need and want to get started (or
restarted) down the right path to revenue generation.
Introduction to SiteSell's 6th Pillar Program
Action Step #1...
Book The Time Now... Each Week, For The Next 8 Weeks.
Action Step #2...
Design Your Sig Files...
And The All-Important PRE-Sig!
Action Step #3...
Tell Your Friends About SBI!...
Naturally! Build BUZZ!
Action Step #4...
Take Your Promotional Efforts Offline!
Action Step #5...
The Critical Difference Between Selling and PREselling!
Action Step #6...
Making The Move To Online Promotions! (Part I)
Get On Course... Of Course! :-)
Action Step #7...
Making The Move To Online Promotions! (Part II)
"Off-Topic" PREselling!
Action Step #8...
Making The Move To Online Promotions! (Part III)
The 6th Pillar Program Wrapup...
Build It Up!
time always flies when you are *DOING* something. :-)
And that is the main goal of the 6th Pillar
Program. To build, you must first...DO.
So the purpose of the 6th Pillar is to provide you with
eight, short, specific action steps that you can
implement quickly, with a minimum of fuss.
Hopefully, you'l find 15 minutes each week to follow along,
taking small, but very concrete, steps towards building
critical momentum in your free affiliate programs business.
Keep Moving Forward
The 6th Pillar Program reinforces an important life/business
It's not how much you do, or how fast you do it, as long as
Small, focused steps will bring you to EXACTLY the same
place as larger ones... slow-but-sure wins in the end!
And that's where PERSEVERANCE comes into play. Choosing
small DO-able action steps often means a longer time
interval before you begin to "feel the build." But your 5
Pillar business WILL gain momentum as you consistently and
patiently apply your promotional efforts!
Like a marathon runner, all you need to do is focus on
putting one foot in front of the other, over and over again.
You *will* reach your destination in due course!
It saddens me when people "step off the track" and give up.
Unfortunately, we see that happening with new affiliates
"The first million is the hardest."
Well, that first affiliate check is the hardest. Keep on
building. The momentum grows -- that's the way the program
was designed. It takes some work and time upfront, but all
DO-ABLE in simple, straightforward steps.
However, don't "start fast and flare out."
The key to any online free affiliate programs business success is to...
Keep on keepin' on.
But there is one caveat...
Move forward at your own pace. Try not to get caught up
judging your progress relative to SiteSell's top partners,
many of whom earn thousands of commission dollars per month,
and some over $10,000 per month. This is not a race and it
never will be.
Success is relative - relative to YOUR unique situation,
your level of online experience, the amount of time you can
dedicate to your business... the list goes on.
Tailor your expectations.
Play to your strengths - if you are an offline "people
person," take advantage of our "Offline Buzz" program.
If you love wooden sailboats, build an SBI! site about your
passion and focus on how to earn revenues from that...
e-books, affiliate relationships, services. Just a mention
about how you built your beautiful site would make me happy.
Being a small part your overall mix would be most
satisfying. Seeing YOU succeed at what you love to do would
make me the happiest.
By staying realistic and doing what you love, your
motivational levels stay high. You'll celebrate each new
milestone of your business with enthusiasm. You'll look
forward to pushing beyond your reach... to higher and higher
heights as you...
That brings us to the million-dollar question of this final
wrap-it-up issue...
How do you continue to move forward, building upon the
successes of the last few weeks, without the 6th Pillar
Program's weekly guidance?
The answer to that question varies, according to... YOU.
Again... according to who you are, what you love, and
what excites you...
On the other hand, you can also review and build upon the
eight actions steps presented in the 6th Pillar Program --
especially the last one -- there is amazing power and
versatility in the SiteSell Promotional Center. Or mix and
match, combine and twist the various ideas, strategies and
tools to come up with your own ideas.
No matter how you proceed to build your 5 Pillar business,
onwards and upwards, facilitate the ongoing momentum-
building process by following these essential guidelines...
When in doubt, stick with the "tried and true" strategies we
highlighted over the last two months together. In
developing the 6th Pillar Program, we sifted through mounds
of 5 Pillar promotional material to present you with the
"least-pain, most-gain" strategies. Offline promotional
strategies, the Free Affiliate Programs or Service Sellers Masters
Courses, the SiteSell Promotional Center (just to name a
few)... all eight action steps are winners!
So if you ever feel that you're losing ground, re-energize
by reviewing the 6th Pillar Program. All back-issues will be
archived at the Club for easy access. You'll be able to find
them in the QUICK JUMP drop-down menu.
2) Check Into The 5 Pillar Club... Often
Like every club in existence, you will feel more like an
active member if you enter every week or two. Take a second
to check your stats, or use the "QUICK JUMP" drop-down menu
to do a little Club exploration. Get a "feel" for what's
available for your use.
Please... feel more and more like the important member
of the SiteSell team that you are.
Your success is SiteSell's success. So every word here is
focused purely on helping you to...
Build it! Build your 5 Pillar free affiliate programs business... even if you do
only a little every week, do it.
3) Review The Five Pillar Affiliate Report Weekly
The Report is the 5 Pillar Program communication lifeline.
Its "job" is to...
- Keep you up-to-date on current product developments, so
you can prepare your promotions in advance
- Motivate and encourage you by providing effective guidance
and tools
- Provide new and creative strategies that will help you
continuously build your 5 Pillar business.
Just one Action Step to do that week.
The Five Pillar Affiliate Report is a time-sensitive e-zine,
especially when it comes to product launches and updates.
It contains information you need to know *now*. So...
Dedicate Time To Your Free Affiliate Programs Business Every Week
As I mentioned earlier, DOING is critical to success and
accomplishment. And it is also the only thing that
differentiates SiteSell's top earners from those who do not
earn at all.
Don't worry if you can only find 20 minutes per week to
apply to your promotional efforts. Never so apt is the
"A journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step."
As long as you DO take some time out of every week, you can
look forward to watching your business grow and prosper over
the course of the coming weeks and months.
Always keep in mind...
This *is* a viable business, not a get-rich-quick scheme.
It takes time to build a business. Decide how much you want
to invest in your 5 Pillar business, and then expect to
receive comparable dividends in return.
Are you seeing a pattern?
Yup... the 6th Pillar, the underlying principle, is simple...
- Stay active
- Stay involved, in touch
- Don't give up
- ... especially when success is just around the corner.
To paraphrase what I said last week...
When you're just starting, you feel like your
overall effort is just a drop in the ocean.
But continued, repeated efforts do turn drops
into waves... into tidal waves of success, in
some cases. Those ongoing don't-give-up
efforts will develop a thriving business for
you -- one with real equity, one that grows
and grows and grows.
You *CAN* do it. The Internet is nothing more than millions
of computers wired together. But a person sits in front of
every monitor. Reach those people in a solid, credible way.
PREsell. If you do it, it will build and build and build.
Or... reach people offline and use the success of your SBI!
site to PREsell -- soon, you'll be building income from a
site based on something you know and love... AND based on
SBI! commissions, both online and through the offline buzz.
So many ways to do it. The key is to choose and...
Yup, do it.
That's the bottom line.
We provide all the tools, the techniques, and the
documentation you need. It's all there. In exchange, you
are responsible for bringing just one thing to the table...
Make the commitment to succeed, and I have little doubt of
the outcome. Surprisingly simple I agree, but that's really
what it all boils down to in the end.
Don't look back. Keep moving forward!'s 5 Pillar Program is a high-earning,
innovative program. No matter what the nature of your
free affiliate programs business (from azaleas to zebras), consider
fitting the 5 Pillar Program into your revenue mix...
- It will boost your overall effectiveness.
- It will become one of your top earning programs.
OK. Here's your Action Step for today...
Visit the 6th Pillar Program...