Email Promotions: The Most Effective Ways to Market Products on the Net

Dramatically Increase The Effectiveness Of All Your Email Promotions.

Let me ask you a very important question: What are you doing to make sure that your email promotions are getting NOTICED, READ, AND ACTED ON by the people you are sending them to?

I'm not talking about writing killer copy - although that's essential - or offering a great product or service. I'm asking how YOUR customers and subscribers know that YOUR offer is relevant to them specifically. What is it that makes EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM individually sit up and take notice of your email promotions?

The most successful email marketers will answer these questions without even thinking, and just about every one of them will mention the two strategies we're going to be discussing today: targeting and personalization.

Once you've learned how to exploit these two powerful marketing concepts, you'll DRAMATICALLY INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS of ALL your promotions.

Email Promotions Success Strategy #1: Targeting

Using e-mail to target different segments of your audience is one of the single MOST EFFECTIVE WAYS I've found to market products or services on the Internet. And if you've been collecting opt-in e-mail addresses on your web site, then YOU CAN GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY! Here's how:

The simplest way you can market to different segments of your opt-in list is by targeting them based on whether they are (a) existing customers, or (b) visitors to your site who have opted in to receive your free newsletter, eBook, etc.

The message you send to your customers might focus on selling them an upgrade to a product they already own. BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY EARNED THEIR TRUST through a previous sale, this email promotion should do quite well.

Of course, you'll need to approach your subscribers -- those people who haven't made a purchase from you yet -- from a slightly different angle. You might try offering them a 25% discount off their very first purchase, for example.

Here are some other techniques you can use for targeting your customers and subscribers:

  • TARGET CUSTOMERS WHO OWN A PARTICULAR PRODUCT with offers for related or complementary products.

  • TARGET YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS -- those who have made the most purchases from you -- with a special "Thank You" promotion.

  • TARGET CUSTOMERS WHO HAVEN'T MADE A PURCHASE FOR A LONG TIME with an offer to win back their business.

  • TARGET YOUR CUSTOMERS AND SUBSCRIBERS based on their geographic location.

  • TARGET YOUR CUSTOMERS AND SUBSCRIBERS based on their expressed interests. (What kind of music they like, for example.)

  • TARGET YOUR SUBSCRIBERS with a "First Purchase Bonus Gift" that gives first-time customers a free bonus with their purchase.

  • TARGET YOUR SUBSCRIBERS with a "Tell-A-Friend" promotion. Offer them a free bonus for recommending your product, service, or newsletter to their friends.

Now, you'll notice that some of these strategies require that you know a bit more about the people on your opt-in list than just whether they are customers or subscribers.

By collecting more specific information from the people who are visiting your site, you'll be able to target your email promotions in SOME VERY SOPHISTICATED WAYS. Here's an example:

Suppose your product is a book on how to buy foreclosed properties from the bank. Your opt-in form might ask people whether they're interested in buying property for investment purposes or for use as their personal residence.

Armed with this information, you could send two different email promotions targeting these two different groups. One could outline the benefits of buying properties as investments, and the other could focus on buying your family home at a substantial savings.

And since you would already have an opt-in form set up at your site to collect e-mail addresses, it would be really easy for you to customize this form so your visitors could tell you WHY they're interested in foreclosed properties. Your form could read something like this:

Enter your name and e-mail address below to receive the FREE report: "The 10 Things You MUST Know Before Buying a Foreclosed Property!"

Name: ______________
Email: ____________

I am interested in foreclosed properties for:

__ Investment Purposes
__ Personal Residence

By targeting different segments of your audience with an email promotion that is specific to their interests, you can just about guarantee that your results will be dramatically higher.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the form you use to collect opt-in e-mail addresses has to be SIMPLE AND EASY TO USE. If you start using this form to ask too many questions, you're going to see a substantial decrease in the number of opt-ins you get.

If you are going to ask your subscribers for more information than just their names and e-mail addresses, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND limiting yourself to ONE additional question.

I hope you can see how powerful this strategy is! It allows you to talk to your customers -- and prospective customers -- about things that matter to them specifically. And when you target your offers to meet their specific needs, your response rate will improve significantly.

And the best part is that once you've got this kind of system in place, THERE'S HARDLY ANY EXTRA WORK ON YOUR PART.

Email Promotions Success Strategy #2: Personalization

Guess what? If you've been collecting people's names when they opt into your list, then you've got a very powerful piece of information. Nothing makes people sit up and take notice like hearing -- or in this case, seeing -- their own name.

Personalizing your email promotions is one of the most widely used tricks in direct marketing, yet IT STILL WORKS LIKE ABSOLUTE MAGIC.

I learned firsthand how effective this technique is a few years ago when I decided to conduct a little marketing experiment. I took a small list of my customers and split it in half, then sent an email promotion to each group that was exactly the same, with only ONE exception. The subject line of the first e-mail read:

here's all the info you need

The subject line of the second e-mail, which had EXACTLY the same body as the first email, had been customized to display the recipient's name. For example:

Bob, here's all the info you need

Now, I had a hunch that the personalized subject line would do better than the generic one. In fact, I was sure of it. BUT WHAT I DISCOVERED SURPRISED EVEN ME! The campaign I ran with the personalized subject line had a response rate 64% higher than the one without!

And that was the ONLY difference between the two campaigns! The body of the email promotion was identical in both cases, and so was the offer. It was just that one small change in the subject line that boosted the response by 64%!

As you can see, if you HAVEN'T been personalizing your email promotions, now is definitely a good time to start. Can you imagine what a 64% increase in sales and profits would do for YOUR bottom line?

Of course, you can personalize the body of your email promotion as well as the subject line, and you can use ANY information you've collected about your customers and subscribers, not just their names.

For example, let's suppose you are operating an online pet products business, and that you know what kinds of pets your customers and subscribers own.

Using this information, you can add another layer of customization to your email promotions. You could start your e-mail off like this:

Hi Susan,

I have some news that is going to make your cat extremely happy. For the next 2 days only, a huge selection of cat accessories are being blown out at almost 50% off the regular price.

Putting together a campaign like this is a lot easier than you might think! Many email promotion solutions will allow you to easily merge your customized data into the message. The example above would look something like this before you sent it out:

Hi [name],

I have some news that is going to make your [pet] extremely happy. For the next 2 days only, a huge selection of [pet] accessories are being blown out at almost 50% off the regular price.

And feel free to get creative and personalize your email promotions with whatever information you've collected about your customers and subscribers. Here are a few examples:

  • CITY OR STATE -- I've got a special offer for residents of [city].

  • PRODUCTS PURCHASED -- As my way of thanking you for your recent purchase of [product], I've got a special discount offer for you.

  • DATE OF LAST PURCHASE -- Your purchase on [sale_date] means you're eligible for a special 50% discount off your next purchase.

  • INFORMATION SPECIFIC TO YOUR SITE (i.e., type of pet owned, favorite sports team, type of vehicle owned) -- We've got a very special offer for [favorite_team] fans that entitles you to 35% off your next purchase.

The best part is that as long as you're collecting information about your customers and subscribers, there's no limit to how successful your next personalized email promotion could be. And once you learn how easy it is to do, you'll be kicking yourself for not getting started sooner!

Key Secret: Putting Both Email Promotions Strategies Together

Used individually, targeting and personalization are powerful marketing strategies, but put them together and look out! An email promotion that incorporates both of these techniques -- and uses them effectively -- is truly A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!

And there are some really clever ways to target and personalize your email promotions all at the same time without doing ANY extra work! Here's EXACTLY how to do it:

Let's keep using the example of the pet products site. You know that some of your members are dog owners and some are cat owners. Assuming you have the right kind of email promotions solution, all you have to do is put together an e-mail that looks something like this:

Subject: [firstname], your [pet] will thank you

Dear [firstname],

I have some news that is going to make your [pet] extremely happy. For the next three days only, we are blowing out a great selection of [pet] supplies at huge savings!

Assuming you are using a flexible e-mail marketing solution, you should be able to automatically merge each subscriber's name into the [firstname] field and merge the type of pet they own into the [pet] field. This way, you are targeting dog owners with an email promotion for dog supplies, and cat owners with a promotion for cat supplies.

Not only that, but you're also PERSONALIZING EACH AND EVERY MESSAGE you send out with the names of your customers and subscribers!

For example, many of you already know that I've just released "My Email Manager," which will allow you to customize UP TO 100 FIELDS of data about your customers and subscribers. This level of custom personalization simply wasn't being offered by the other e-mail broadcast services, and that's exactly why I insisted that it be included when I was designing this solution.

I have made sure that "My Email Manager" includes absolutely everything, including sequential autoresponders, newsletter management and automated scheduling, e-mail promotion management and tracking... plus all the advanced features that the other services just weren't able to provide for you.

And the best part is that I have designed all these features to be extremely easy to use! Users have been raving about the simple interfaces and step-by-step wizards that literally walk you through every aspect of creating and managing a successful online marketing program.

Final Email Promotions Thoughts

It's no coincidence that the most successful marketers -- both online and offline -- target and personalize their email promotions whenever they possibly can. The reason more businesses DON'T customize their email promotions is because they think it takes a high level of technical expertise to pull it off.

And while that used to be the case, technological advances have made it really easy for even beginners to deliver professional-looking email promotion campaigns.

These days, sending a targeted and personalized email promotion to a large list of your customers and subscribers isn't much more complicated than sending a message to a friend. You just compose your e-mail, select who you want to send it to, and hit "Send."

Once you see how easy it is, you'll be able to dramatically boost your sales and profits by always sending out email promotions that are targeted, personalized, and relevant.

Your customers and subscribers will appreciate the effort, too! It will let them know that your business is really paying attention to them on an individual level -- and believe me, THAT'S GOING TO BE GREAT FOR BUSINESS!

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What Has Been Your Most Effective Monetization Technique, And Why?

Anytime I have been able to create a one-to-one relationship with another brand and push forward with a marketing and monetization plan, that’s been the most lucrative.

Now, this is beyond just being an affiliate. I’ve spent incredible amounts of time creating articles designed to promote great products and services that I’ve enjoyed and want to share with my audience - and those have done OK.

But they pale in comparison to the times I’ve been able to work directly with a brand’s CEO or Marketing Manager and partner with them in the form of sponsored content, webinars, or even brand evangelism.

Those are the kinds of deals that certainly require a history of proven site traffic and social engagement, but once you build up your brand to that level, it’s a lot of fun and very profitable.

That’s why I’m looking forward to using Trafeze to generate more relationships along those lines.

What Has Been Your Least Effective Monetization Technique?

I’ve deliberately experimented with a lot of monetization techniques, particularly passive ones, so there have been quite a few that have resulted in terrible returns.

AdSense has never been fantastic for me, but there have been far worse techniques.

As a category, for me, the least effective monetization techniques have been “Related Content” — widgets that usually appear below existing articles on my site and recommend other (external) stories my readers might be interested in.

It’s a great concept, and I know it works well on larger, mainstream sites like, but on my site the recommendations have always been too off-topic. Instead of showing 8 business- and marketing-related articles, the widgets include stories about celebrities, weight-loss, and other uninteresting content.

And so, not surprisingly, my readers don’t click on the articles. One service I tried, Nster, ran for about 3 months and resulted in approximately $0.06 in earnings. Six cents! That’s on a site that gets about 50k readers a month.

The silver lining here was that it underscored for me the importance of matching your monetization techniques with your target audience and content topics. The more inline they are, the more effective they will be.

Monetization Analyzation

There you have it. Over 50 pieces of advice and anecdotes from some of the best and brightest blogging minds on the planet.

First of all, if you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You’ve just read a master’s course on monetization, and you’re full of ideas and excitement for where your blog or business will be heading.

To help with your takeaways, we wanted to review some of the key points that were mentioned, and do a little analysis on the resulting answers. Ready?

Most Effective Monetization Techniques

Now, as we mentioned earlier, these experts represent a wide array of bloggers and online businesses, all of them with their own goals and models. “Monetization techniques” therefore had different meaning to each.

Here’s how the answers for “Most Effective” played out:

Most of the experts cited Products, Email Marketing or Courses as their most effective technique for monetization.

What’s interesting is that for information-based businesses, it’s easy and natural to combine all three of those, isn’t it?

A course, technically, is a product, and once you’ve developed an email list of interested subscribers, you can market and monetize that course. That’s something that Tor Refsland talked about, specifically.

He said that he pre-launched his course by inviting interested people to subscribe, surveyed them, then built both a free course (as promised) and a more advanced course that was fee-based.

As you read and re-read the techniques outlined above, it’s that kind of synergy that you want to look for. Combine multiple techniques and approaches to create revenue streams that are lucrative and sustainable.

Least Effective Monetization Techniques

As for least effective, well, that wasn’t even close.

Nobody likes banner ads.

I did find the recurring theme of Lack of Focus particularly interesting. It’s something we talk about a lot within the SBI! Action Guide, and I’ve mentioned before as part of the Blogger’s Mindset.

Businesses and bloggers have to be focused. They have to do their homework and make sure that they’re reaching the right niche with the right information or product at the right time. The same is true with your monetization strategy.

I hope that these suggestions from an incredibly diverse and successful group of marketers, business owners and content creators will help you achieve the kind of focus and improved monetization you deserve.

I encourage you to have this entire resource emailed to you for further study.


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