We want to help you as digital nomad to help yourself (and others) to break free from jobs you might not like, challenging schedules, money stresses, etc. Below are some examples of who we can help to be a digital nomad…
Whatever your interests are, there is a business for you too.
Key points to focus on:
Article about: Gerhild Fulson JustLikeOma.com
"How hard can it be?" Gerhild Fulson thought when she volunteered to build a web presence for the ministry she and her husband had founded in Germany.
She chose a recipe site as her "training ground."
A few years into her webmaster career, a lightbulb went off in her head.
Her recipe site had enough business potential to raise all necessary funding`s for their ministry -- if she only treated it as a business.
Once she switched her mindset from "building a website" to "building a business," profits started to soar.
She redesigned and rebranded her web presence, grew a massive following on Facebook and Pinterest, added a store, and is now selling more digital cookbooks than ever before.
She also started selling print-on-demand items, like T-shirts and mugs.
"Most importantly, since I really do enjoy all that I do, I'm just
going to keep on doing it, together with my hubby. With an online business, as
long as there’s internet, there’s no telling where we'll go."
"The alternative? Since I'll soon be 70 and hubby 80, should we be sitting
in those proverbial rocking chairs? I think not."
Gerhild evolved from Web newbie to Influencer, all thanks to Solo Build It! and a change in mindset.
Annual price SBI = US $ 330
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The best wishes for your future as digital nomad!
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